E-SLP is a project funded under Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform – Initiatives for Policy Innovation – «Forward Looking Cooperation Projects». Its duration is 36 months (from 01-01-2018 to 31-12-2020) and the partnership is composed by 15 Open and Distance Institutions in Europe Coordinating partner is the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU).
E-SLP concerns European Short Learning Programmes for continuous professional development and lifelong learning. Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) or short degree programmes are a group of courses (units, modules or other learning building blocks) with a common subject focussing on specific needs in society and which are part of larger degrees. Different typologies and names exist throughout Europe.
The objectives of this E-SLP project are:
- Defining the concept and position of SLPsas part of higher education systems and of policies for continuous professional development and lifelong learning, responding to needs of the economy and personal development.
- Developing institutional policies, strategies and frameworks for the development and delivery of flexible and scalable SLPs in Europe.
- Empowering university leadership and staff for curriculum and course design, quality assurance and recognition for SLPs complying with the EQF.
- Developing guidelines for collaborative SLPs and related (virtual) mobility, enriching the content and quality of SLPs and raising their European outreach, scale and cost-effectiveness.
- Designing next steps for change towards systemic and sustainable institutional, governmental and EU policies and strategies for continuous education, mainstreaming SLPs as a specific area of university provision, next to degree education and open education.
Project Link: https://e-slp.eadtu.eu/